Friday, December 31, 2010

Barca-tey kyu...khoya khoya chand ...

it is 2.54 am here now, and i was walking outside my hostel with a cig in hand. 
the sky was clear
and the moon was bright
i sat down somewhere in the open,
on a brick lane and
gazed at the stars..
are the constellations same in barcelona, i wondered..
and then the moon blinked at me
as if in full acceptance of what i feel
she said, fool that you are, the stars are out in barca
and he is possibly studyng his arse off
go sleep and think no more..
so i go up, blew her a kiss and walked the 12 yards back to my room..
the corridors were deserted..
the chill is just creeping in the air
there is a graceful nip stinging the face
even the frogs have gone down their holes
and the kittens are snoozing under the water cooler
only i lonely lass
smitten by your charm,
sleep no more
raise no alarm
silently sit and gaze at the star
in the distance
thats where you are.....

1 comment:

  1. Nice...Loved the imagery. By the way, the constellations look exactly the same even here in NY. :)
