Sunday, August 1, 2010


and what did you just say?
you being a student of literature, you couldn't express yourself better?
my darling shonai,
it was a beautiful evening and will last forever
last time we visited the woods, it had been dark,
leaves rustling in our fall,
rocks standing bare gazing stonily while we sat and smoked,
trying to distinguish the planes which swept across the sky
leaving a twinkling trail in the clouds...

and this time,
amidst the bottles and the crowd,
you held my hand while we traversed back to our nook
feeling giddy with pleasure that we found the same hidey hole
we gazed up at the sky.
only in place of the planes, i saw the mute moon.
you held my hand as you took me in your arms
i felt 6 years fall back as i lifted my face...
Canteen, Quadrangle, Baddy, Derozio Hall,
the entire college flashed past me
and i wondered for a split second if you felt the same...
did you ever feel the same back then?
and when i thought i would die without you, did you care?
life moves on someone had told me
but was it possible to love even after letting go?

you eased me on you while erasing the doubts off my face
you sang your song of love
"o' friend, thou hold me close and fulfill me with yourself..."
stone to stone and grass to grass
flesh to flesh and lips to pass
gently then..
and more fierce with each breath...
fiery and fiery still...

the phone lit up in its uncanny white light
suddenly jolting me back to my senses in the dark...
standing up with jittery feet but with a timeless unquenched urge
i turned and ran...
you poor soul, standing aghast in the moonlight
tried to reach out with a cry.
but i had gone.
long long time ago.
someday when you had broken my heart.

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