Tuesday, July 28, 2009

Winter Love

Winter love,
They call it winter love,
Houses in the frost,
Covered by snow,
Blue sky and white road
Running till they meet somewhere in the distance...
No rhythm, no music,
No balm for my broken heart,
Just a sober sun,
Just a ruthless cloud,
Just a biting wind,
Knocking at my heart,
Tearing me apart, from the very start
Reminding me of him.
For he is gone,
Gone far away
To blue sky, black road, white foam.
To happy faces, in humid places
The promises ring in the air,
To come back again to me,
With silver scissor, mirror and bells
And coloured shells
The promises ring out clear.
Within the heart dwells
A strange joy.
A warmth never known before, and
A yearning, an impatient desire to see him again once more.

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